Scott Peterson juror says she wasn't biased against him

The former juror in the Scott Peterson murder trial whose testimony is at the center of his bid for a new trial testified Monday that she wasn't biased against him,

Richelle Nice declined to comment as she entered San Mateo County Superior Court in Redwood City for her second day of testimony.

Nice was known as "Strawberry Shortcake" because of her bright red hair during the trial in 2004. 

On Monday, she haggled with Peterson's attorney Pat Harris, answering many of his questions with "I don't remember" or "I have no idea," or a clipped "Yep."

Harris believes Nice was a "stealth juror" who failed to reveal on an extensive jury questionnaire that she had been a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her ex. Nice says she was the aggressor.

Outside court, Nice's attorney Geoffrey Carr said there was no evidence to support the "stealth juror" allegation.

"As to whether everything on her statement vair dire was accurate, I will give that to the judge to decide. As I said, this seems to be a little something for everyone. She wasn't completely accurate, but then, most jurors aren't."

But KTVU legal analyst Michael Cardoza, who once cross-examined Peterson to help the defense, says Nice's story doesn't add up.  

"What Ms. Nice did, in my opinion, was lie on her jury questionnaire," Cardoza said. "She is now parsing words."

Peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife Laci and their unborn son Connor. Their bodies were found in San Francisco Bay, where Peterson said he had gone fishing. 

He was arrested after revelations that he had been having an affair. His trial was moved to Redwood City because of publicity.

Peterson’s original death sentence was overturned in 2020 by the California Supreme Court on appeal. Justices said the trial judge had wrongly tossed prospective jurors who were against the death penalty, assuming they wouldn’t follow the law.

Cardoza says Nice never should have sat on the jury.

"Clearly it shows that she was biased. She wanted to be on this jury. She wanted to get Scott Peterson," Cardoza said.

Still, Cardoza said he doesn't think the judge grant Peterson a new trial.

"The judge, in my opinion, will say, ‘Looking at the totality, I’m going to deny the  defense’s motion.' It's an uphill battle for the defense," Cardoza said.