Sonoma County K-9 alerts to dog biscuit boxes allegedly filled with meth

Sonoma County Sheriff K-9 was a "good boy" after detecting 10 pounds of meth hidden in boxes of dog treats Feb. 13, 2024 . (SCSO via BCN)
PETALUMA, Calif. - A Sonoma County Sheriff's deputy allegedly discovered 10 pounds of methamphetamine during a Petaluma traffic stop, the department said Thursday.
On Tuesday morning, a deputy conducted a traffic stop near Lakeville Highway and Baywood Drive. The officer learned that the driver had a warrant out of Mendocino County and was told that there was a methamphetamine pipe in the vehicle.
The deputy employed his K-9 unit to sniff the vehicle, where the dog alerted to boxes of dog treats. However, there weren't any doggie biscuits inside, instead, the Sheriff's Office alleges the boxes contained meth. The deputy also allegedly found meth in a cat litter box.
A total of ten 1-pound packages were allegedly discovered.
Angelina Gutierrez, 41, was arrested and booked into jail on suspicion of felony transportation of a controlled substance and her warrant.