Straight teen asks gay best friend to prom

LAS VEGAS, NV (WTXF)- It's promposal season, and the awesome stories just keep on coming.

This time, high school senior Anthony Martinez, who is gay, got a very special surprise from his best friend.

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Anthony recently took to Twitter to express his feelings about taking a boy to prom saying:

"I don't want to date you I just want a guy as a date to prom. I always help with dances it'd be nice to get asked to one."

That's where Anthony's straight best friend Jacob Lescenskii comes in.

Jacob made a promposal sign that read: 

"You're hella gay, I'm hella str8, but you're like my brother, so be my d8?"

Anthony posted a photo of the pair and the sign on Twitter and Tumblr and got and outpouring of support from people around the world.

"He's my best friend, and a real man given the fact he has the guts to fulfill my gay student council dream of always helping out planning dances, and never getting asked," Martinez wrote on Tumblr. "I couldn't ask for a better person in my life."