Teachers get their groove back, return to Oakland classrooms after 7-day strike

At Fremont High School in East Oakland, it was back to business for students and teachers, although many said it's been a little difficult to get into the groove.

Spanish teacher David Rose said he missed being in the classroom during his seven days on the picket line.

"My students would call me at night, 'Do we have school tomorrow? Do we have school tomorrow?' And I would have to say 'no.' But you can visit us on the picket line," said Rose.

We visited Fremont High February 21, the first day of the strike. Of the approximately 800 students there, only 15 showed up that day. They were all in the gym.

No one was in the cafeteria, the classrooms were empty. So were the hallways.     

But now some students we spoke with say they're glad the strike is over.

"I couldn't wait to come back, to be honest.I was getting bored," said student Skkay Smith.

"I'm glad to be back with my friends," said student Dontae Dickson.

Students said some teachers discussed the strike in class.

During the walkout, the teachers union-- the Oakland Education Association, said just two percent of the district's students attended school as the majority of parents kept their children home. But now the schools are back to doing what they are expected to do.

"Students are excited to see their teachers. I do think they are a little distracted because it is hard to come back," said assistant vice-principal Nidya Baez.

The school district will not make up the 7 days of the strike, but teachers say they will be making adjustments in the lesson plans, little by little, and that students should be all caught up by the end of the year.