Woman trapped by mudslide turns to Facebook Live; 3 homes nearly taken out in Los Gatos

A Los Gatos family is devastated, after a mudslide nearly took out three homes on the family property and damaged several cars. At least one of the homes is uninhabitable after the foundation buckled. One woman who was trapped turned to Facebook Live for help.

Jennifer Ray said satellite internet was her best option with no cell phone reception. The family is thankful everyone is okay but, with another storm approaching, they're homeless and afraid to go back.

“All of this water and mud came down and trees and it was just this force of nothing that I’ve never seen before,” said Ray.

The mudslide swept through the Ray family property that her father owns. Three homes sit on Bear Creek Road in unincorporated Los Gatos. The slide happened early Tuesday morning during heavy rainfall. Emergency crews were unable to reach them so the Ray family waited it out. Thankfully, they all got out safely.

“It was just surreal, my sister just lost everything,” said Ray.

Jennifer’s sister is five months pregnant and lives above her. The roof of her sister's shed came barreling down with all of the family's belongings. Her sister's car is among four others damaged. A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help.
Jennifer and her family have lived there for two years. It was a dream for the father for the whole family to live together. Now, that dream has been washed away.

“This big yard that I built with play structures and trampoline and all these things for the kids literally getting wiped away,” said Jennifer’s husband John Ray.

“We know the dangers somewhat out there but this was completely unexpected,” said Jennifer Ray. “This was something I didn't even know Mother Nature could do.”

If you’d like to help the family, here’s a link to the Go Fund Me page: