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Confronting sexism and gender bias in Silicon Valley

The Bay Area is home to a number of tech giants and start-ups, attracting people from all backgrounds across the world. But the industry can also be notoriously cut-throat and presents an additional set of challenges for women navigating the often male-dominated field. In her new novel, creative writer Kyla Zhao chronicles the life of a Gen Z woman tackling gender bias, sexism and doubt in Silicon Valley. KTVU's Heather Holmes speaks with Zhao about how her own experiences influenced "Valley Verified" and the advice she has for any woman entering tech.

New report: Cost of being a woman in California

New research by Mount Saint Mary's University reveals the average monetary cost of being a woman in California and highlights the work that still needs to be done to address inequities, including but not limited to the wage gap. In its latest report on The Status of Women and Girls in California, data shows the wage gap has narrowed over the past decade but COVID slowed the progress down significantly, especially for women of color. KTVU's Alex Savidge and Heather Holmes are joined by Dr. Nicole Haggard, Director of the Center for the Advancement of Women at Mount Saint Mary's University for more on the report.