117-year-old Oakland man has died

A 117-year-old Oakland man, who celebrated his birthday live on KTVU, has died.

Andrew Hatch's daughter contacted KTVU on Tuesday morning, reporting his death. 

Although there’s a lack of official documentation, Andrew Hatch may be the oldest person in the world.

“He’s my dad and I’m still amazed. It’s just really phenomenal. Every day that he wakes up, we wake up and have the opportunity to have him still here. It’s truly amazing. We consider ourselves blessed,” said his daughter Delane Smith during his birthday celebration in October.

Through his life Hatch had done many things. He’s worked with his hands a lot. He was a blacksmith and has done everything from driving a cab to being a merchant seaman.

Smith says her dad traveled all over the world and settled down in Oakland in his thirties.

Hatch’s family is trying to certify his age. His daughter Delane Smith says it’s difficult to document his age due to his past.

She says at one point he fled a lynching attempt and went underground. She says he went off the radar which inhibits their ability to find out more about his age.

Smith says her dad always said the secret to his longevity is, “the man upstairs and the love he receives from his family.”