5-month-old puppy attends Napa High, trains to help Veterans in need

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NAPA COUNTY, Calif. (KTVU) – Napa High School has a new face on campus this year.

With whiskers, big floppy ears and four paws, ‘Captain’ isn’t who you would normally expect to find walking down the school’s hallways.

The 5-month-old yellow lab puppy, attends classes, rides the bus and even goes to tennis practice.

While many of his classmates have their sights set on college – Captain has a different future ahead when he’s done with school.

Captain, with the help of 15-year-old Camille Jacobson, is in training to become a service dog for a Veteran in need.

He’s part of the Napa's Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs program.

Camille said she knew she wanted to help train a service dog after she sat next to one on a plane. She says it was fate when her mom got an email from her 4H leader that there were puppies that needed to be socialized.

Camille and Captain were quick to bond. “We are best friends. I don't go anywhere without him. He is so good natured and loving, I have gotten so used to him that it feels weird when I'm not with him,” she said.

Camille says Captain's favorite activity is choir because he likes to listen to the music. “As soon as we start singing, he passes out,” she said.

When Camille is not busy socializing Captain at school, the pair attends training classes every other week.

He’ll learn how to do things a Veteran may need help with. That includes opening refrigerator doors, retrieving items and turning on and off lights. He’ll also be able to wake a veteran up from nightmares caused by PTSD, and check the view around corners to ensure the Veteran feels safe.

Camille and Captain learn about five commands at each training session that they practice each day.

Rochelle Heskett of Napa's Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs program says all the students were very excited when Captain arrived at school, but now they’ve grown used to his presence. She adds Camille is very dedicated to the mission of training Captain for his future home.

Captain was among a litter of six. His brothers and sisters are also being trained to help Veterans in need.

Learn more about Napa's Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs program and how to make a donation to here.