Alabama Man Launches Flaming SUV into Lake

ALABAMA - Coming from the 'don't try this at home department' we have a group of guys who launched a flaming SUV off a homemade ramp into a lake this past Labor Day.
As always, when it comes to guys, we don't bother asking why, we are just happy no one was injured and enjoy looking at the fruits of their labor - which we must admit - is pretty epic.
The man behind the flaming wheel is stunt driver Jed Huie of Alabama. And while he did execute a perfect drive up, off and fiery launch into the lake, he is getting a quite a bit of flack on social media for taking the time to plug his nose before landing in the water.
But Huie took it all in stride with a lighthearted response, "safety first!"
He says the stunt itself was performed at a friends farm, and the burnt out , soggy vehicle was later pulled from the water with a tractor. Not a bad way to spend the holiday. Just don't try this at home - enjoy watching these Bama boys do it instead.