Mountain View barber on the run, charged with sexual assaults of two men
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Authorities are searching for a Mountain View man who is on the run after being charged with the sexual assaults of two men, one of which he also kidnapped, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office.
According to the Santa Clara County DA's office, authorities found video evidence that Franklin Enrique Sarceno Orla, 34, a barber from Mountain View, assaulted at least 20 other men dating back to 2018.
Police ask anyone who may have been a victim of Orla to reach out to law enforcement and request a test for sexually transmitted diseases from their doctor.

Orla is suspected of videotaping the sexual assaults, the district attorney's office says. Video evidence seized by police showed several men who appeared to be passed out or severely intoxicated.
Authorities say the first report came in July when a man said he woke up injured and woozy after having drinks with Orla. Forensic testing showed the man had been sexually assaulted.
Another victim came forward and said Orla was his barber and a second victim said he lost consciousness while he was having beers with Orla, the DA's office said.
Orla was arrested for sexual assault in August of this year. He posted bail set at $250,000 after his arrest, but he fled after he was released.
Police are asking for any information about his whereabouts. If he is found, the DA says he could face life in prison.
Anyone who believes they may have been victimized by Orla is asked to contact the Mountain View Police Department at 650-903-6618. You can also contact Detective Riffel at or Detective Guillermo de Lira at