California the biggest delegate grab of all
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KTVU) - Donald Trump continues to lead in California according to a Field Poll released Thursday, but supporters say they are concerned that his lack of a ground game in the Golden State will lead to losses of critically needed delegates.
The Field Poll of likely California Republican primary voters was conducted between March 24th and April 4th, just as Donald Trump's comments on women and abortion hit the headlines.
The poll showed 39 percent of voters favoring Trump, 32 percent for Texas Senator Ted Cruz, 18 percent for Ohio Governor John Kasich, and 11 percent undecided or planning to vote for someone else.
"For Trump supporters, the flare-ups that you hear about in the media do not seem to be having much effect," said Mark DiCamillo, The Field Poll Director.
DiCamillo says the data does show a big rift in California's Republican party.
"I think the contentiousness in the Republican primary has never been seen before," DiCamillo said, "It's the Bay Area where Trump has the lead and the Central Valley is more conservative and Cruz has the lead there."
Cruz garnered more support in Los Angeles County and the Central Valley/Sierra region. Trump had more support in the San Francisco Bay Area and areas of Southern California around Los Angeles County.
Trump led Cruz by seventeen points among male Republican voters. Cruz led Trump among women by four points.
A source with the Cruz campaign says they feel they're winning the ground game in California, with a grassroots leadership team of several hundred people.
Trump supporter David Erlich, who also serves as Chair of the Alameda County Republican Party says so far, Trump's campaign still has failed to establish an organization in California for his supporters.
"We're waiting for the contact. When is the point that it's too late? It's getting close," Erlich said.
Erlich says if Trump fails to attend the state convention in Burlingame April 29 - May 1, Trump might lose support. Cruz and Kasich have already agreed to speak at the convention.
"If he wants the people with him, he has to show he's with the people," Erlich said.
Tom Del Beccaro, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and author of “The Divided Era,” said the Golden State’s primary is important as each candidate appears increasingly unlikely to secure the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.
“Both of them need a big victory in California to help them,” Del Beccaro said. “I don’t think either one of them will have enough delegates before the convention so June 7 will matter a lot.”