Charities that help mothers in need around the globe
LOS ANGELES - On Mother’s Day, we all take a day to say ‘thank you’ to the women who raised us. But what if you want to help other mothers -- ones who might not be as fortunate as our own? Here are some charities that do just that.
- In developing countries, infant mortality can be a big problem. Save the Children provides new mothers with essential healthcare products that can keep their children well during those crucial first days after birth.
- The charity Every Mother Counts works around the world and in the U.S. to help improve maternal healthcare and end preventable deaths. The group also works to raise awareness of the issues faced by mothers.
- In the U.S., Single Parent Advocate works with single parents to help provide them with resources, education, and support to make raising a child alone just a little easier.
Being a mother is tough, even in the best circumstances. This Mother’s Day, why not help support some of the moms who are doing hard work in difficult situations? It’s a small gesture that can make the world a better place.