Convicted sex offender arrested after sexually harassing student at Redwood City high school

A report to the campus resource officer at Sequoia High School led to the arrest of a registered sex offender, Redwood City police said Thursday.

A Sequoia student told the campus officer that a man approached her at the school and was acting strangely, asking her what grade she was in and if she had a boyfriend.

The resource officer identified Fidelino Ruiz, 26, as the suspect in the case.

Ruiz, classified as a sex offender, is not allowed on school grounds by law.

Investigation led to further identification of Ruiz as the suspect in a January sexual battery incident.

Police obtained a warrant and arrested Ruiz Wednesday at his home in unincorporated San Mateo County.

He was booked into the San Mateo County jail for felony attempted rape, sexual battery, annoying/molesting a juvenile under 18 years old and being a sex offender entering school grounds.

Anyone with information about the case is encouraged to contact School Resource Officer Roman Gomez at (650) 780-3921 or the Redwood City Police Department's Tip Line at (650) 780-7107.