Could Clinton, Trump alternative candidates get a spot on debate stage?

Third party candidates could be the big beneficiaries of voters who find themselves unwilling to vote for either Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.

On Friday both the Green Party and the Libertarian Party held events highlighting their presidential nominees who now see an opportunity to sweep up disaffected voters and potentially vie for a spot on the debate stage with Clinton and Trump in September.

"Now it's almost every day we get people calling," said Greg Jan, an Alameda County Green Party council member.

Jan says many of the calls are from Bernie Sanders supporters.

The Green Party launched its nominating convention in Houston Friday, where their presidential nominee Doctor Jill Stein is expected to deliver an acceptance speech Saturday. Dr. Stein is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard medical school, and is currently a physician and health care advocate in Massachusetts.

Bay Area activist Laura Wells says there's new energy and a higher level of excitement at the convention this year.

"Two parties do not cover the range of the hopes and desires of the American people. They don't," said Wells who is attending the event as an Alameda County representative.

"About half of Bernie supporters have refused to  go back into the Democratic party," said Dr. Stein in a televised interview, "In fact more than half of Hillary supporters, don't actually support Hillary, they are opposing Trump, and the same is true for Trump supporters."

Libertarian Party officials say they are also getting calls from voters searching for someone to support.

"We've seen an incredible upsurge of people who want to get involved," said Jim Eyer, the Alameda County Libertarian Party Chairman.

Eyer says in the past weeks there has been growing interest in their party's nominee,  former New Mexico Republican Governor Gary Johnson.

Johnson launched his campaign in Reno Friday with his running mate, former Massachusetts Republican Governor Bill Weld.

The Libertarian Party has also launched an online effort to reach the 15% level of support in the polls needed to qualify for the debate in September with Clinton and Trump.

"Only chance we have of winning is to be in the presidential debates," said Gov. Johnson.

If the Green and Libertarian parties attract more voters away from the Democratic and Republican parties, it could have a big impact on who takes the White House in November. Supporters of Stein and Johnson say they aren't spoilers, but rather supporters of what they say is most important in a democracy.

"It's important for voters especially in these times to zoom out and to think in terms of what's important to you in terms of governance," Eyers said.

"You should vote for who you believe in," Jan said, "That's what a democracy is supposed to be about."

For more information on these alternative-party candidates use the interactive info-graphic below: