Couple adopts 4 children of brain cancer victim

NEW YORK (My Fox NY) -- A Laura and Rico Ruffino have stepped in to raise four young girls after their friend died of brain cancer.

Elizabeth Diamond was 40 years old when she died in April.

The single mother left behind Tara, Samona, Ella and Lilyn.  The children range in age from 5-12.

They Ruffino family had two daughters of their own but they kept a promise to their friend that they would take care of her children if she died.
Friends of the families are now asking for help to turn the family's garage into 2 bedrooms to help give the girls more space.

They have a space in the backyard dug out for an above ground swimming pool they were going to buy before they knew they would be taking the 4 girls in to live with them.

It still sits waiting for the pool now that their priorities have had to change with accepting 4 more children into their home.

The friends also want to buy the family a new vehicle to support all 8 people in the household.

They say the family has trouble asking for help because they have always been so self-sufficient. 

They are using a YouCaring account via the Buffalo Wellness Center to collect donations.

So far, they have raised a little more than $50,000.  Their goal is to raise $100,000.