Elderly San Leandro couple viciously assaulted and robbed on front porch
SAN LEANDRO, Calif. - An elderly couple out for a walk around their block in San Leandro was just returning home when they were robbed and assaulted Thursday.
The pair was attacked by two young men as they proceeded up the stairs, neighbors said.
Almost to the front door, the woman felt a tug at her small purse’s shoulder strap. The 78-year-old fell forward, knocking her 86-year-old husband to the hard concrete.
The assailants sped away in a gray car.
Hitting his head, grandpa was bleeding profusely when the ambulance showed up to take him to the hospital.
The beloved elders of the Estudillo neighborhood are known as "grandma" and "grandpa."
Grandpa's head required 14 stitches, and he was admitted into the intensive care unit.

Suspect vehicle in violent attack and robbery in San Leandro
Residents who live in the area were crushed to hear what happened. They said everyone on the block knows each other, and they care about each other.
Friday morning, a KTVU reporter found a small blue purse with a broken strap in the middle of the street in East Oakland.
Inside the slim handbag was an empty iPhone case, a handful of coins, and two identification cards belonging to seniors with the same last name.
After work, the reporter drove to the address listed on the ID cards and found a group of people sitting in a driveway across the street. The neighbors were having a community safety meeting.
The reporter approached them holding up the broken strapped handbag, and Marilyn, the victims’ next-door neighbor, screamed with delight.
"Praise Jesus! You found the purse!" Marilyn said.

Neighbor Marilyn with Grandma's returned stolen purse - found in East Oakland. (Alice Wertz)
The group shared what happened, explaining the vicious assault happened to the most vulnerable people on the block.
"Fourteen stiches! We can’t recognize him because of the swelling," one neighbor said. "He’s elderly and he’s fragile!"
Patricia said, ‘’We’re coming together as a community to protect ourselves and build community neighborhood support."
The Mayor of San Leandro Juan Gonzalez III was notified of the incident on Facebook Messenger a few hours after the incident. He replied within minutes and promised he’d show up to the community gathering Friday night.
While there, he encouraged the neighbors to stay vigilant and aware. He showed support for the community to unite against violence.
At the meeting, the neighbors passed around clipboards with pens and sign-up sheets. They put together a meal-sharing schedule for Grandma and Grandpa and a phone tree in case of other emergencies.
"I’m proud of these San Leandro neighbors who show they care about each other and our most vulnerable members of the community," Mayor Gonzalez shared. "That’s what is so special about San Leandro and why we call this home."
KTVU reporter Lisa Fernandez contributed to this report.
Alice Wertz is a freelance reporter for KTVU. She can be reached at Alice.Wertz@Fox.com X: @AlicesTake Instagram/Threads: @WayIseesIt