Florida man who trapped gator in trash bin catches big snake in new video

Big or small, apparently Eugene Bozzi fears no animals. 

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've seen the video of Central Florida resident Bozzi capturing an alligator with a trash bin while wearing athletic slides. The clip went viral, with many calling for him to get his own wildlife show.

In a new video posted to Instagram, the ‘Alligator Man’ is seen saving his neighborhood from a large snake using a towel.

"Damn snakes in the house and grass lol," he captioned the video.

RELATED: Florida man uses trash bin to catch alligator

Bozzi is seen carrying the big reptile at arm's length and returning it to its home outdoors. 


Coincidentally, he's wearing a similar outfit to what he wore when he famously trapped an alligator in a recycling bin! 


Viewers couldn't help but point out that Bozzi does his best animal wrangling while wearing Adidas slides! The shoe company even gave him a shout-out on social media. 

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"Some heroes wear capes, others wear slides," the company commented under his latest video. 

Many viewers commented that Bozzi should work for a zoo or animal control. 

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