Gov. Newsom signs bill to help displaced hospitality workers get their jobs back
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Friday to help displaced hotel workers.
SB 93 requires some hotels and event centers to offer workers laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic their jobs back.
The state legislature had just sent the bill to the governor a day earlier, but it was unclear if Newsom would sign, considering he had previously vetoed a similar bill, saying it was too broad.
The bill applies to workers who had their jobs six-months prior to the pandemic. SB 93 requires the employer offer new positions to qualified former employees laid off due to COVID-19 within five business days, through 2024, per the governor's office.
"As we progress toward fully reopening our economy, it is important we maintain our focus on equity," said Governor Newsom. "SB 93 keeps us moving in the right direction by assuring hospitality and other workers displaced by the pandemic are prioritized to return to their workplace."
The FULL TEXT of the bill can be found here.
The hospitality industry and its advocates rejoiced at the news on Friday. California State Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) congratulated Unite Here labor union for what she called a surprise move.
The governor's office said the bill bolsters the state’s efforts to ensure an equitable recovery from the pandemic.