Gov. Newsom speaks at Vatican climate summit

California Governor Gavin Newsom made remarks today at the Vatican climate summit, hosted by Pope Francis. 

Newsom was one of three United States governors who were invited to the event. He spoke before an auditorium full of policy makers and researchers from around the globe. 

Pope Francis made protecting the environment a key part of his pontificate. The goal of the three-day climate summit is to come up with ideas, solutions and an overall blueprint of how local governments can make themselves more climate resilient in the face of extreme weather and other challenges. 

The conference is meant to be apolitical, as the pope does not endorse political candidates directly. 

Newsom made remarks about how California manages to be semi-independent from federal policy when it comes to environmental issues in particular. 

"If there is anything I want to impress upon you, is the stability of California's relationship to the issue of changing the way we produce and consume energy and the issue of environmental stewardship, regardless of what happens at the national level. We are a trusted and stable partner," Newsom said.  

The governors of Massachusetts and New York as well as the Mayor of Boston were all invited to speak. At the end of the summit, participants will sign a protocol. Some of the suggestions listed on that protocol will then be taken to the United Nations.