Halloween Safety Tips : Checking your child's candy before eating

Happy Halloween! While your evening should be filled with fun times and happy memories, it is important to keep safety in mind.
Trick or Treating is fun for kids of all ages, but an important message should be in the front of every parent's mind.
Check your child's candy!
Every year local police departments urge parents to look through their child's candy after a night out Trick or Treating through the neighborhood, and knocking on countless doors.
Whether you're looking for possible allergens or other harmful object's, the message remains the same. Below are a few tips from police to help keep you and your children safe.
- Do not let your child consume candy that had not been examined by an adult
- Examine any toys or novelty items received by trick-or-treaters who are younger than 3 years of age for choking hazards
- Do not eat candy that has been unwrapped or broken
- Tell your children not to eat their candy until they return home
- Do not accept homemade treats, or fruit
- Only accept candies that cannot be easily tampered with
- Keep an eye out for small signs of tampering
If you find candy or any other treat that has been tampered with, you are urged to contact your local police.
For more Halloween Safety Tips, CLICK HERE.