Hearing Tuesday on Graton Resort and Casino's proposed hotel expansion

ROHNERT PARK, Calif. (BCN) - By Bay City News Service
A public hearing is scheduled Tuesday evening on the Graton Resort and Casino's proposed expansion of its 200-room hotel west of Rohnert Park.
The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria plan to add 200 rooms in a new wing perpendicular to the existing 200-rooom hotel, expand the banquet facility and the ground floor to include new meeting rooms.
The additional five floors of hotel rooms will rise on an existing parking lot and connect to the existing hotel and banquet facility.
The expansion will employ 1,000 people during construction and add 150 additional staff when completed.
The 5:30 p.m. hearing Tuesday at the Stony Point Christian Fellowship at 4074 Stony Point Road in Santa Rosa is on the 853-page Draft Tribal Environmental Impact Report by Analytical Environmental Services of
The tribe said an initial analysis of 14 potentially significant off-reservation impacts that were considered include noise, traffic and transportation, greenhouse gas emissions, public services, population and
housing, air quality, hazardous materials and aesthetics.
The Graton Resort and Casino at 288 Golf Course Drive opened in November 2013.
The public comment period on the proposed hotel expansion ends April 20. Written comments regarding the expansion should be sent to Federation Indians of Graton Rancheria, Attn. Draft TEIR Comments, 6400
Redwood Drive Suite 300, Rohnert Park, CA 94928.