Holiday donations pour in after toys stolen from Oakland minivan

Deltrina Johnson was at a low point last week when thieves stole holiday toys from her van in Oakland, leaving her in tears and feeling hopeless.

But Johnson, executive director of the Oak Center Cultural Center, is now on a high after she shared her story and donations poured in to replace what was stolen just before Christmas. 

After KTVU aired a story about Johnson's loss, she received more than what was taken. 

Strangers and friends sent money, gift cards and a small grant. Other people called to volunteer at her nonprofit, which is centered on making a positive change in Oakland through art and culture. 

In all, the thieves took about $250 of toys from her van parked in the Lakeshore neighborhood. 

And her nonprofit ended up receiving $8,000 and counting. 

"This story has taken a scar and turned into a star for the holidays for so many children," she said. 

The center provides programs, services and resources in education, the arts, tutoring, mentoring, drug prevention, community childcare, health, fitness, life skills, job training and more. 

Johnson and her team will be handing out the toys on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Oak Center Cultural Center, Inc. at 1324 Adeline Street. 

Donated toys poured into the Oak Center Cultural Center after the director's van was broken into. 

Donated toys poured into the Oak Center Cultural Center after the director's van was broken into. 

Donated toys poured into the Oak Center Cultural Center after the director's van was broken into. 
