Human kindness: Costco employee helps woman to car

KTVU's Frank Somerville posted to Facebook about an encounter at Costco in Fairfield. 

Dianna Rodekohr sent him the photo. It shows a Costco worker helping a woman to her car. 

Rodekohr wrote, 

"I just wanted to share this picture with you.
It was of a Costco employee maybe in his early to mid twenties and an elderly woman, who was a customer. 

The young man was pushing the woman’s cart to the car as she walked very slowly beside him (he matched her pace.) 

They had to keep stopping because she needed to rest. 

The young man then extended his hand and held her hand the rest of the way to the car. 

It just touched my heart so much. 

The younger generation aka “millennials” really get a bad rap most of the time and this proved that there are truly kind and caring young people perfectly capable and willing to take care of the world and the people in it."

For more stories like this, follow Frank on his Facebook page.