'We stand with you': SF leaders rally for immigrant community after ICE agents spotted downtown
ICE agents seen in downtown San Francisco spark fears and concerns in the immigrant community
The president of Local 87, the union representing San Francisco janitors in the private sector, says workers saw ICE agents at downtown buildings on Friday. One janitor, who is documented, says his co-workers, many who are undocumented, were afraid to go to work.
SAN FRANCISCO - Increased Immigration and Customs Enforcement has stirred up fears in the Bay Area.
There were reports over the weekend that ICE agents conducted operations in San Francisco's Tenderloin and financial districts.
Local 87, the union representing 6,000 janitors in the private sector, said federal agents went to multiple downtown office buildings late Friday afternoon, but that building security kept them from entering.
Union president Olga Miranda said the janitors were relieved that someone spoke up for them.
"There is a lot of fear and nervousness, but we want to exercise our power," Miranda said.
Miranda held a rally Tuesday morning alongside Mayor Daniel Lurie, Police Chief Bill Scott, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins and other community leaders to show support for the immigrant community.
San Francisco rally
What they're saying:
April Verrett, the international president of SEIU, a Washington, D.C.-based workers union, spoke at Tuesday's rally saying she is committed to standing up against hate.
"We are dead-ass committed to standing up," Verrett. "We are dead-ass committed to standing up against hate, against bigotry, against the chaos that is being sewn across our country. And today that looks like us standing arm in arm with the immigrants. Not just in San Francisco, not just in California, but across this entire country. "
Mayor Daniel Lurie acknowledged the fear among San Francisco's immigrant community.
"Over the last several days, I've spoken to many of the people here and our community leaders. I have heard that fear and know we are in a challenging moment right now," Lurie said.
The mayor said he's inspired to see the community coming together.
"As mayor, I want everyone here, everyone and across our city to hear this directly from me," Lurie said. In San Francisco, we value our immigrant communities. We recognize your contributions to our city, and we stand with you."
San Francisco's police chief reiterated immigration enforcement falls under the federal government, not local authorities.
"I'm going to repeat what our city attorney said. Immigration enforcement is the federal government's job. It is not the responsibility of the Sfpd or any of our state or local governments," Scott said.
A cleaner in San Francisco named Jose told KTVU on Monday that he's a documented immigrant, but many of his co-workers are not.
"We just have to stand up for each other," said a cleaner named Jose, who did not want to be fully identified.
He said some of his co-workers did not go to work on Friday.
"They decided to call out sick. They did not show up to work, afraid that something might happen to them," said Jose.
The union said no one was taken away by ICE when agents were downtown on Friday.
Video showing ICE agents in downtown
What we know:
But a video showed ICE agents in the Tenderloin who appeared to detain a man.
It was first posted on Sunday, and has been widely shared on social media.
But KTVU was not able to independently verify the video, when it was taken, and by whom.
"It makes me angry that we are in this place," said state Senator Scott Weiner.
He has introduced SB 2 to increase funding for legal services to help immigrants.
The bill passed the state Senate and is headed to the Assembly on Thursday.
"We want people facing deportation, we want them to have legal counsel , know their rights, defend their rights," said Weiner.
Jose said all janitors on his shift came to work on Monday, but there is growing concern in the immigrant community,
"They're just afraid to go out, but the thing is, we have to continue living our lives and provide for our families," he said.
Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU. Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU, Instagram @AmberKTVU or Twitter @AmberKTVU