Immigration judge frees father after 6 months in jail

A man accused of being in the country illegally has been set free after spending the last six months in jail. 

Maguiber Ramos was freed by an immigration judge on $3,500 bond in San Francisco Thursday, just in time to see his baby being born. 

Ramos, 27, of Oakland, is the father of three. His wife is due in two weeks. His supporters rallied in San Francisco and said they were pushing for his release. They also stand with others facing similar situations. 

"This is just to shine a light in the many cases that we have been pushing back against with families like Maguiber." said Yadira Sanchez, a supporter.

"To all the families who might going through something like this, like me, have patience, be strong. May everything turn out well. It's a little difficult, but we won't be defeated. It's in these moments that you find out who your friends are and people you've just met come to help. And thank God, that's what we've had," said Yibi Heras, Ramos' wife. One of the couple's children has cerebral palsy. 

Cameras were not allowed in court as Ramos' attorney successfully persuaded an immigration judge to release her client. 

The judge said she didn't think Ramos was a danger to the community, even though he had two arrests, including one for being three times the legal limit while sitting in a parked car. The case was considered to be reckless driving due to alcohol involvement, even though the car was not in motion. It is sometimes referred to as a "wet reckless". 

The judge also said she didn't think Ramos would flee given his family situation. Supporters said they would help pay Ramos' bond. 

Before the hearing, Ramos' attorney said federal immigration officials had been unfair to her client. 

"We've asked three times and been denied. We asked a fourth time and haven't gotten a response, so immigration is is aware of his family's circumstances and they just don't care," Ramos' attorney Lisa Knox. 

Ramos must still attend all future court hearings. The judge did say she didn't think Ramos stood a good chance of staying in the country. 

This post has been updated to reflect the correct bond amount.