KKK flyers distributed in San Francisco neighborhood
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - Someone apparently left Ku Klux Klan flyers through the Upper Haight neighborhood, but it's unclear who exaclty.
One resident, Sean Coulehan, stepped out of his home on Oak Street, near Lyon Street, to walk his dog Tuesday and saw the flyer wedged in his front gate.
"I was shocked. I didn't expect to see anything like that in San Francisco," said Coulehan.
The flyer contends that the Black Lives Matter movement is telling people to kill white people and police officers and that the KKK is the only organization that stands up for white people.
Hoodline.com posted a photo of the flyer which encourages people to join the KKK claiming it's, "not a hate group."
Residents reported finding the fliers on their doorsteps and gates, according to the social media site Nextdoor.
The San Francisco Police Department tells KTVU they are aware of the leaflets, but that it is not against the law to distribute them.
Flyers were also reported a few blocks away at Haight and Clayton Streets.
"I walked up and down the street and didn't see any more flyers," said Coulehan. The flyer includes links to two websites and a phone number from North Carolina.
We called the number and got voice mail. It references the bible, champions racial segregation, and urges people to join them.
"I think this person is off base and is looking to get a little media attention," said Coulehan.
Neighbors we spoke with say they hadn't seen the flyers. We showed it to them.
"It's kind of horrible someone handing out something like that. It doesn't seem like it would solve anything handing something like that out," said one African American neighbor.
"They're a dying breed," said a Caucasian neighbor about the KKK. "In this town they won't get new recruits. I just laugh it off."
A KTVU viewer sent us a photo of a flyer that was posted Wednesday evening along Haight Street in response to whoever posted the Klan recruiting flyers. It read in part, "How dare you come to the Haight and attempt to recruit our residents." It continued, "We love our black citizens and will protect them at all costs."
Hoodline.com reports anyone concerned about the fliers can attend a meeting - SFPD's Park Station community meeting at 1899 Waller Street at 6 p.m. Wednesday.