Burglars steal garage door openers from unlocked cars in Moraga
MORAGA, Calif. - A carload of thieves made off with garage door openers and other items during a spree of car burglaries in Moraga, police said Monday.
Surveillance video shows the burglars opening an unlocked vehicle, stealing a garage door opener, and then using the clicker to open the garage of a home on Larch Way at about 6:30 a.m. Sunday.
Moraga Police Chief Jon King said it was just one of many incidents reported in the neighborhood at the time.
"We’re at about 15 vehicles, unlocked vehicles were accessed and ransacked, and I believe four homes where the garage doors were opened," King said.
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Five people arrived in what turned out to be a stolen Lexus and checked for cars that were unlocked.
"They’re looking for a crime of opportunity. They’re literally going down the street, checking car doors to see if they’re locked or not," King said.
And they didn’t just rifle through the cars.
"Criminals are now taking those remote control garage door openers, opening the garage door, and then they’re accessing the garage also to see what else is in there that they can steal," King said.
The group also went through the cars in the driveway next door. A witness called the police.
"When one of the officers arrived, she observed a group running from a garage and jumping into a vehicle and they left the area at a high rate of speed," King said.
"When one of the officers arrived, she observed a group running from a garage and jumping into a vehicle, and they left the area at a high rate of speed," King said.
Officers chased the Lexus on Canyon Road and Pinehurst Road but canceled the pursuit for safety reasons. The Lexus was later found abandoned by BART police near 98th Avenue in East Oakland.
Police say the incidents are a reminder for residents to take steps to avoid being victimized.
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"If we can remove the opportunity, we can stop the crime," King said.
Neighbors say they’re unaccustomed to these kinds of burglaries.
"It’s a little concerning," said Tom Ward. "We normally don’t have crime, and you forget to lock your doors on your car, and even the house door sometimes so it’s a good reminder to make sure that everything stays locked up."
The takeaways: If you park on the street, no matter where you live, take that garage clicker with you. And for peace of mind, lock the door from your garage to your home.
Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. E-mail Henry at Henry.Lee@fox.com and follow him on Twitter @henrykleeKTVU and www.facebook.com/henrykleefan