Mural where artist was fatally shot unveiled in West Oakland
OAKLAND, Calif. (KTVU) -- More than a hundred people gathered under an overpass Wednesday to celebrate the completion of a mural in West Oakland that has become a symbol of hope and of heartbreak.
"We're standing in front of everything that is right about Oakland and everything that is wrong about Oakland," said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf at the event.
The block-long mural on West Street near 35th was designed by students from West Oakland Middle School for a project depicting Oakland superheroes.
The message is peace and the power of community, but sadness permeated the mural's unveiling.
"My heart aches for where we are today," said Amana Harris, who heads the organization that sponsored the mural.
On September 29th, artist Antonio Ramos was working on the mural when someone began arguing with the 27-year-old and then shot him to death.
Days later, police released a surveillance picture of a person they want to talk to, but have not yet found.
"The photo is considered a key component in this investigation. Investigators continue to work information and tips," said Oakland Police spokeswoman Johnna Watson.
The mural is sponsored by the Attitudinal Healing Connection which supports art as a way to lift downtrodden neighborhoods.
Ramos' family had asked the artists to finish the mural. The artists have.
They also dedicated it to their friend.
"We didn't let this tragedy keep us from finishing this mural. Because this mural is important to West Oakland and to our communities," said Javier Rocabado, the mural's lead artist
The mural has one addition. A portrait of Antonio Ramos is now prominently displayed on the wall, a few feet from where he died.