New mobile food pantry in South Bay helps low-income families
SAN JOSE, Calif. - A nonprofit in San Jose is launching a new service on wheels to help people in Silicon Valley who are food insecure. CityTeam is launching a mobile food pantry to help low-income families ahead of Thanksgiving.
Stephanie Galvan does not have much food inside her refrigerator to feed her and her eight-year-old daughter. The single mom said food is one of the last items on her list after she pays for other necessities.
“Rent, gas, everything is just a bit expensive,” said Galvan.
Now low income families have a new option for food with a mobile food pantry. On Wednesday, the service helped 100 households at Thornbridge Apartments in San Jose.
“They don't have to travel,” said Hermie Smit of CityTeam. “We bring it right to their doorstep. They can just come and walk.”
It's a farmer's market type of feel complete with fruits and vegetables. The food is donated by the Second Harvest Food Bank.
The nonprofit said given the Bay Area’s housing crisis one in four people in Silicon Valley is food insecure, people who have limited or uncertain access to food.
“Many more people are really struggling,” said Smit. “Even two or three minimum wage jobs you can still struggle to put food on the table.”
Paulette Dellanini picked up food for her daughter who is a single mother working two jobs
“When you are in a limited budget sometimes you aren't able to get things like a turkey,” said Dellanini. “Now they will have a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner which is really helpful.”
As for Galvan, the help from the mobile food pantry brought her to tears.
“Just raising her by myself, this is nice that they do it,” said Galvan. “I’m super grateful. I think it's really awesome that they do it.”
The mobile food pantry will be at Linda Vista Elementary School in San Jose with scheduled stops this weekend and next week in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. The nonprofit hopes to help 3,000 families.