Note to stressed mother goes viral

Photo from: Lauren Copp Nordberg

A note that was given to a Washington mom has gone viral.

Lauren Copp Nordberg of Bainbridge Island, Washington wrote about taking her son to lunch when he had an “autistic meltdown.”

She wrote, “I should have known better than to take him out for lunch after a dentist appointment, but he was so excited for pancakes and I promised so there was no turning back. He remembered that he forgot something at home that he wanted and within seconds he was in full on autistic meltdown.”

Copp Norderg said after several minutes of stares she took him outside.

When they returned for the meal, her son had calmed down.

But as soon as he was finished eating he “amped right back up again.”

When Copp Norderg asked the owner for the receipt, she was told someone else had paid for her meal, and left a note, "Have a great day! You are doing a wonderful job! God bless. From a mother who knows." 

“There is good in the world and this mama is thankful for the kindness of strangers,” wrote Copp Norderg.