Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf's remarks in response to AG Sessions

OAKLAND, Calif. - “How dare you vilify members of our community by trying to frighten the American public into thinking that all undocumented residents are dangerous criminals. Hard-working, law-abiding Oaklanders like Eusebio Sanchez and Maria Mendoza-Sanchez, who you ripped away from their American-born children and the cancer patients at our public hospital who relied on Maria’s nursing skills every day.
“How dare you distract the American people from a failed immigration system that tears apart decent families and forces the workers that our economy depends on to harvest our crops, deliver our services, and build our cities to live in fear and work under oppressed conditions.
“How dare you distort the reality about declining violent crime rates in a diverse, sanctuary city like Oakland to advance a racist agenda.
“I’m confident the courts will resolve the dispute between this administration and the great State of California. I’m ready to get back to work with my job as the Mayor of Oakland – addressing homelessness, building affordable housing, fixing the potholes, making neighborhoods safe and ensuring that the children of my community – no matter where they came from or how they got here – have every opportunity for success.
“Oakland’s agenda is a thriving community. Trump’s agenda is bigotry and petty vindictiveness.”