Parents of Alexis Gabe disappointed with documentary about her murder

More than two years after the disappearance of 24-year-old Alexis Gabe in Antioch, family and friends gathered at a pizza joint in her hometown of Oakley on Wednesday night for a watch party of an hour-long episode of On the Case with Paula Zahn, titled "Where is Alexis?"

"It was really tough watching it, but we are a little bit disappointed," Alexis’s father, Gwyn Gabe said.

Alexis went missing in January 2022.

Some of her bones would be found that November, scattered on a hillside in Amador County.

Antioch police theorize that Alexis’s ex-boyfriend, Marshall Jones, strangled her to death.

"She was dismembered and then discarded," Lt. John Fortner told KTVU after watching the documentary, "Nobody deserves that."

When Jones lunged at officers with a knife in June 2023 near Seattle, officers opened fire, killing him.

But Alexis’s parents believe the documentary left out key evidence of Jones carrying garbage bags to the home of his mother, Alicia Coleman Clark.

They believe their daughter’s dismembered body was placed in the trash bags.

"She’s in those bags? So, she’s in pieces?" Gwyn recalled asking police. "That was the toughest and most horrifying thing we’ve seen." 

"Inside that house, especially the bathroom, that we believe where she got killed," Alexis’s mother Rowena Gabe said while fighting back tears after seeing the documentary.

The family said Jones was arrested in 2022, accused of aiding and abetting.

"Why is the D.A. not filing charges against Marshall’s mother?" Gwyn asked.

A representative of the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s office told KTVU in an email on Wednesday, "Based on the evidence that we have been provided by the investigating agencies, there is no indication that anyone other than Marshall Jones was directly involved in the murder of Alexis Gabe."

"We’re not going to quit until she’s in jail," Gwyn promised, adding that the family’s attorney is presenting their case against the suspect’s mother to the district attorney’s office in the coming week.

OakleyAntiochContra Costa CountyCrime and Public SafetyMissing PersonsNews