Alexis Gabe's family hopes new documentary will assist in death investigation

The killing of Alexis Gabe shook the Bay Area, as hundreds of volunteers helped search for the young woman's whereabouts, and then remains, for nearly a year. Now, her story will be featured in a new documentary airing later this month.

Gwyn Gabe has been living a parent's nightmare for two years, and a new television show airing this month will document his family's search for his daughter, Alexis.

Gabe was initially reported missing in 2022. Hundreds of community members across the Bay Area assisted in the search for her. The case caught national attention when her ex-boyfriend and suspected killer died in a police shooting in Washington state.

After more than a year of searching and waiting, some of Gabe's remains were found near Plymouth and given over to the family in November 2023. But the investigation into Gabe's death is still considered open, and the journey isn't over for the Gabe family.

Their grief will last forever, but they also face an uncertain legal battle. The Contra Costa County District Attorney previously said she would consider bringing charges against Alicia Coleman-Clark, the mother of Gabe's suspected killer, if Gabe's remains were found.


Alexis Gabe, missing Oakley woman, allegedly murdered by ex-boyfriend

Alexis Gabe, a woman missing from Oakley since January, was allegedly murdered by her ex-boyfriend who was killed by police. .

Coleman-Clark hosted a karaoke party inside her home the night that her son is believed to have hidden Gabe's remains. Now, the Gabe family says they are learning more about her actions.

"We have come across evidence of aiding and abetting while reviewing the footage with Antioch PD, and we are hoping that everything will be revealed in the documentary," Gwyn Gabe told KTVU.

Gabe says he hopes that the airing of the documentary will bring more clues out of the woodwork, and help bring about justice for his daughter.

The family has also faced some back and forth with discovery+, the network airing the show, which considered holding the episode over until next season.

After community members reached out in droves demanding to see the episode sooner, the network changed course.

"Our attorney believes that the airing of the documentary could assist our case, which is why it is crucial for the network to air it," Gabe said.

For now, the family has been told the episode titled "Where is Alexis?" will air in "On the Case with Paula Zahn" on April 24.

"We just want everyone to see what we saw...and, you know, let us know if we're wrong or not," Gabe told KTVU.

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