Police: 2 men steal woman's jewelry in downtown Palo Alto alley

PALO ALTO, Calif. (KTVU, BCN) - Palo Alto police are looking for two men who stole jewelry from a woman in an alley in the downtown area on Halloween evening, investigators said on Tuesday.
Officers said they received a report of an armed robbery shortly after 7 p.m. Monday in the 300 block of Lane 20 East, an alley just north of University Avenue between Florence and Waverley streets.
By the time officers arrived on scene, the thieves had fled, according to police.
The victim told police she was walking west in the alleyway and prior to the attack, saw two men heading in her direction.
One man sprayed the woman's face with pepper spray that temporarily blurred her vision, police said. Another man then snatched a necklace and spiral hoop earrings off the woman. They then ran away.
Once the woman's vision cleared up, she went to a nearby store and called 911. She complained of pain to her face, eyes and neck area, but wasn't hospitalized, according to police.
The men are described as Latino, in their early 20s with thin builds, both about 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall.
They wore black pants and black hooded sweatshirts with the hoods pulled over their heads. One man was wearing a black baseball cap, police said.
Investigators are asking anyone with information about the robbery to call police dispatch at (650) 329-2413.
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