Police warn about door-to-door coronavirus scams

SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco police on Friday said they have received reports of people going door-to-door and claiming to be employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the San Francisco Department of Public Health.
"These subjects are apparently asking for entry into residences to conduct inspections or searches," police said in a news release. "Neither the CDC nor SFDPH have personnel going door-to-door conducting inspections."
City officials have responded by having employees and volunteers place informational door hangers in neighborhoods. "These persons will have city identification, and will not ask for permission to enter any residences or establishments," the department said.
Police ask the public to call 911 and report anyone coming to the door claiming to be employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Callers should provide a description of the person and as much detail as possible.