Popular Mountain View music festival prioritizing safety

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (BCN) --   Health and public safety officials are encouraging attendees of an electronic music festival in Mountain View this weekend to put safety first.

The "Beyond Wonderland" show is taking place on Saturday and Sunday.

Officials are reminding attendees that illegal substances and drug-related paraphernalia will not be allowed at the event.

"Ecstasy and other 'club drugs' have very serious short and long-term health effects," Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody said in a statement."

"These drugs may be mixed with other chemicals, so people may not know what they are taking or how these drugs interact," Cody said.

Cocaine, MDMA, methamphetamine, LSD and ketamine are some of the common drugs found at large events that can place the user's health at risk, officials said.

"We must be cognizant of the realities that electronic music festivals are associated with controlled substances that can be used to cause harm and do damage to individuals," police Chief Max Bosel said in a statement.