Promising news for a paralyzed Pleasant Hill teen

“On my worst days, I think of all of you and I know I will be alright.”

That’s a quote from 16 year old Ryan Joseph.
What an amazing attitude.

Ryan goes to College Park High School.
He was paralyzed from the neck down earlier this month during a wrestling tournament.

His family has given me permission to use this new picture of him in the hospital.

There is some promising news about his future.
This is the statement that I was sent from his family:

Ryan is strong and hopeful. 
He is making progress every day. 
Our care team at John Muir Medical Center has been kind and professional and an integral part of his healing.

Currently, Ryan has good movement in his shoulders, his right arm has partial movement, and his left arm is starting to move.

He has feeling in some of his torso and recently regained some feeling in both feet.

His diaphragm is getting stronger and hopefully soon he will be able to breathe on his own without a ventilator.

The healing process is long and it may take 1 to 2 years to fully establish Ryan's capabilities.

Our family is looking forward to the next stage of recovery at Craig Hospital in Denver.

It is an intensive rehab program where Ryan will refine the mobility that he has and hopefully discover more as he works hard in therapy.

It is a family-oriented program and we will all be there to work alongside Ryan.

Ryan would like everyone to know how much their love and support means to him.

The Joseph family also says they are so touched by the outpouring of support that they’ve gotten from the community.

They are now in need of a wheelchair accessible van.
And on Monday, February 5th a pasta feed fundraiser is being held at College Park High School.

ALL the money raised will go to getting them the van.
I will post the flyer at the top of the comment section.

I cover so many tragic stories.
It never ceases to amaze me how those involved rise to the occasion.

My thoughts are with Ryan and his family.
If you want to hit “like” I will assume you feel the same.