Protesters call for criminal charges against SFPD in man's shooting death 2 years ago

Protesters are calling for criminal charges to be filed against San Francisco police in a deadly officer-involved shooting from nearly two years ago.

Protesters held signs on Thursday, indicating the 679 days that have passed since the death of Amilcar Perez Lopez.

The 21-year-old construction worker was shot and killed by plain-clothes officers in February 2015.

Initially police said Lopez lunged at officers with a knife, but two separate autopsy reports contradict the SFPD's account and showed he was shot in the back, 

“This double standard for law enforcement has become an accepted way of fact in our nation. That is why we are seeing killing go unpunished and uncharged,” said SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi.

According to data recently presented to the San Francisco Police Commission, there are currently 15 open investigations into police shootings in the city. Three of them date back to 2014.