San Francisco's Pokémon Go killing remains unsolved 5 years later

A father is making a plea for justice, five years after his son was murdered.

Calvin Riley was 20, a rising baseball prospect from the Peninsula, when he was gunned down while playing Pokemon Go in San Francisco.

"It's been five years of just a nightmare," Sean Riley told about 60 supporters who gathered in St. Gregory's Church in San Mateo Friday evening.

Riley delivered a brief eulogy and thanked people for remembering Calvin.

"We will see him again and I can't wait for that day to come, to get up there and play catch with him one more time."

A graduate of Serra High School in San Mateo, Calvin was a star on the baseball team.

At the time of his death, he was a student and pitcher at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, and aspired to the major leagues.

"He was motivated, fearless, a great teammate, a great son, unbelievable brother, he was just the best," said Riley.

At about 10 pm on August 6, 2016, Riley was shot near San Francisco's Ghirardelli Square- while playing the mobile GPS game, Pokemon Go.

There was no confrontation or robbery; Calvin's phone and wallet were untouched.

His friend, a short distance away, heard the shot and saw him fall to the ground, a bullet in his back.  

Calvin died at the scene.

"We have a killer walking the streets and we have nothing," said Riley bitterly.

Early in the investigation, a suspect sketch was released, along with descriptions of possible cars involved, but nothing has come of those leads.

"I don't know what to believe anymore," said Riley.

"I have my own theory of what went down, and I think my son was targeted, I don't think he was randomly killed."

Witnesses in Aquatic Park reported seeing a man watching people from a distance earlier in the evening.

Calvin's friend recalled they passed by the man at one point, but focused on their hand-held games, they paid him little attention.  

Riley strongly believes U.S. Park Police should have turned the investigation over to the San Francisco Police Department, which has more homicide experience.

"We haven't had anything, any progress," said Riley, "and at the end of the day, I feel like the authorities have abandoned my family."

In the beginning Calvin's mom Kariann was at her husband's side as the two tried to keep Calvin's murder in the public eye.

They are now divorced.

Calvin's brother and sister, 22 and 15, live with their mother in the Bay Area, but Riley has moved back to Boston, where the family was originally from.

"This has ripped my family apart," said Riley, "and I miss my family, I miss him. I miss it all."

After mass Friday evening, people lit candles in the church courtyard and shared memories and hugs.  

The support was gratifying to Riley, as he pushes through his despair.

"Calvin wants me to get up and be grateful, he wants me to be happy for my life," said Riley.

"To see a sunset or a sunrise is everything for me, because of the strength Calvin had with people."

U.S. Park Police did not respond to inquiries about where the status of their investigation.

A $110,000 reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer.

There is a Facebook page called Justice for Calvin Riley with updates.

"We will get there," Riley told attendees in the church, "and I go to bed every night telling Calvin I will l find who has done this."