San Jose police officer charged with selling pot

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KTVU and wires) -- A San Jose police officer has been charged with possessing drugs for sale, after it was discovered that a storage locker he was renting was filled with marijuana, authorities announced Friday.

Prosecutors said 44-year-old Son H. Vu, who has been on the police force for 21 years, was set for arraignment on FRiday afternoon.

Vu has been charged with felony possession with intent to sell and maintaining an illegal stash location.

A judge had ordered bail at $100,000. If convicted, he faces up to three years and eight months in prison.

"It is deeply disappointing that an officer sworn to uphold the law would so brazenly break it," Narcotics Unit Supervisor Patrick Vanier said. "This Office and The San Jose Police Departmentstand together against illegal drug dealing in our community, no matter who the dealer is."

Vu's illegal drug cache came to light on June 3, 2014 when a storage company owner cut the locks on a delinquent renter's storage space. Inside was a large quantity of marijuana.

An investigation determined that Vu was the renter of the space.

Police seized more than 12 pounds of marijuana and a series of "grow lights" – lights used to help marijuana grow indoors.

Investigators also found $5,700 in the officer's personal car and - in a seized thumb drive - a file containing information on police calls related to marijuana grow houses.

The officer has been on paid administrative leave since his previous arrest on June 4.