Signs warn of sharks off the coast of Santa Cruz County

Photo: Giancarlo Thomae Photography 

Signs are posted at a Santa Cruz County beach, warning of sharks off the coast. 

According to a report by KSBW, the signs warn "Advisory, shark sighted, enter at your own risk."

Marine Biologist Giancarlo Thomae of Sanctuary Cruises tells KTVU the signs are posted at New Brighton Beach. 

Thomae tells KTVU, "There are still a bunch of sharks out there. Some as big as 14 feet."

This comes after about 40 great whites circled the waters earlier this month at nearby Seacliff State Beach.

The scene was captured on video by Thomae who documented the sharks coming within feet of a kayaker, as well as the nearby shoreline. 

Thomae posted the starling video to Facebook. 

In May, chopper footage showed a kayaker at Seacliff State Beach out of his kayak - in open water - with sharks nearby. 

Video showed the kayaker climbing safely back into his kayak and paddling away. 

Seacliff State Beach was also in news recently with the rare sighting of a deer swimming near the beach. The deer took a morning swim before scampering off. 

No injuries have been reported.