SJSU water polo player mourned after mysterious death

Students at San Jose State are mourning the death of 24-year-old water polo player Ryan Harryman a week ago after his teammates found him unconscious during practice at the school's aquatic center on Tuesday.

Harryman was set to graduate this Spring with a bachelor's degree in Anthropology.

"It's just very surreal," said Matt Abdalah, a friend of Harryman. "I've been in shock for the past couple days."

Abdalah has been friends with Harryman since the two graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino and visited the school's Aquatic Center Monday for closure.

"I can hear his laughter," said Abdalah. "He was a very happy kid; very loving, easygoing."

Last Tuesday night, Harryman became unconscious during practice with the school's water polo club team. A university spokeswoman said the Sunnyvale native was underwater for a minute when his teammates noticed him at the bottom of the pool and pulled him out.

Over the weekend, his family took him off life support.

"We have interviewed numerous witnesses," said Pat Lopez Harris of San Jose State University. "There's no evidence to suggest he fell and hit his head on the pool deck or dove in, which are injuries are associated with pools everywhere."

It's unclear what caused Harryman's death if any pre-existing medical or health conditions played a role. Students have taken to social media with #ForRyan. On the team's Facebook page, his teammates signed a ball and said they're competing in his memory.

Besides water polo, Harryman was known for making people laugh with music videos on YouTube. Tribute videos are popping up from followers who never met him but were inspired by him. As for Abdalah, he said, he never understood how precious life is until his friend's death.

"Hold on to your loved ones because in the blink of an eye they could be gone," said Abdalah.

The Santa Clara County Coroner investigating the exact cause of death. San Jose State has been offering counseling for students and staff since the accident and will continue to do so as long as it's needed.