Speakers remember and share their 9/11 stories at Danville event
Danville, Calif. (KTVU) - On a day that cuts deep in American history, people in Danville proudly showed their patriotism as the flag was raised at Oak Hill Park.
"It was unexpected. There was a tremendous loss of life both in our case, out there in Pearl," says Pearl Harbor Survivor Chuck Kohler.
He knows first-hand what it's like to be attacked on American soil. Kohler joined others at Danville's All Wars Memorial remembering those who died in New York City, Washington D.C. and Somerset County, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001, a day that they say should never be forgotten.
"It's not people like us who were there, that are any different than anywhere else that we should be remembered. It's the event itself and the way it happened," says Kohler.
"We've got a lot of people in high school who were born after the day. History has to be taught and people have to have an incentive to learn. So things may drop off," says Vietnam Veteran Johnathan Robbins.
Standing in front of a sign which says, "Freedom is not Free," multiple speakers shared their 9/11 stories and why they feel it's important to take time out on this day to honor more than just those who are no longer here.
"For us, it's kind of two fold, we have a day of remembrance and also we want to think about the people that are out there right now as we speak dealing with Harvey and Irma and they're always sacrificing," says Paige Meyer, San Ramon Valley Fire District Chief.
In Lafayette, more than 30 flags lined this overpass above Highway 24.
"We come here just to make sure people know that we haven't forgotten. That it was a tragic day for us," says Spike with the Military Escort Team.
"It's important for I believe the families and just for our country to know that we're still there for one another.
Especially through the times we've been through," says Jennifer Vanderstraten who is a Marine Mom.
In years past, the area where they gathered was crowded with people, showing their support. However, over time those numbers have dwindled. "We're still here. Even if it's only one person standing up on this bridge that's what matters," says Spike.