Staff at City College of San Francisco on strike today
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - Today, teachers and staff at City College of San Francisco are going on strike.
The one day strike is the first in their union's history.
The school and its workers are at odds over class sizes and pay.
Officials at CCSF say they are offering a raise of more than 7-percent over 2 years.
But teachers say that would still put base salary levels close to what they made in 2007.
"We love and serve the city of San Francisco and all the students who come here, said Alan D'Souza, librarian.
"We want to give them the opportunities to fulfill their own personal enrichment, educational opportunities and job growth."
All classes are canceled today at all eleven City College campuses.
Registration for fall semester is supposed to begin today.
CCSF says online priority registration will still be available.