Study: Coffee may reduce liver damage caused by alcohol

Coffee lovers take note: You may have one more reason to get a few extra refills on that cup of Joe.

Increasing your coffee intake may help reduce the chances of developing liver damage caused by excessive alcohol, according to a compilation of studies published in the Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

An analysis of nine studies totaling more than 430,000 participants found drinking two extra cups of coffee each day led to a 44% reduced risk of cirrhosis.

And drinking four cups of coffee dropped the risk by 65%.

Cirrhosis is a chronic disease that causes scarring of the liver.

Researchers warn that while coffee may help ward off alcohol-related cirrhosis, there is no evidence to show that drinking extra coffee can cancel out damage to the liver brought on by heavy drinking.

The study does not explain the exact science behind why coffee protects against cirrhosis.

Health experts say there are also reasons to be critical about the overall health benefits of drinking coffee.

A 2013 study published by the Mayo Clinic linked drinking four cups a day to a higher risk of death among those under 55 years old.