Trump addresses his 'favorite people in the world—the seniors' in new video
President Trump returns to White House
President Trump's doctors say he still has quite a bit off monitoring after being released Monday from Walter Reed Medical Center. He immediately ignited a new controversy by declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus that has killed more than 210,000 Americans.
WASHINGTON (KTVU) - President Trump made an appeal to senior voters in a new video from the White House on Thursday.
“To my favorite people in the world—the seniors. I’m a senior!” Trump, 74, exclaimed. “We are making tremendous progress with this horrible disease that was sent over by China.”
Trump, who returned to the White House on Monday after a three-day stay at Walter Reed Medical Center for COVID-19, claimed an experimental antibody cocktail from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals cured him.
"I took this medicine and it was incredible. It was incredible. I could have walked out the following day--sooner," Trump touted, promising to make it available for free 'immediately,' specially to senior citizens.
In an attempt to rally up support among older voters, Trump assured that the group would get the same level of care that he received.
"You’re going to get the same medicine. You're going to get it free, no charge. And we’re going to get it to you soon," he said.
Before Trump closed out the video he took aim at his opponent Joe Biden on his handling of the Swine flu pandemic.
"I did more in 47 months than he did in 47 years," Trump said before adding, "He had his chance with H1N1 Swine flu and it was one of the great disasters. He didn't know what he was doing, but I know what I'm doing."