Voters left with fewer choices now that Steyer, Buttigieg dropped out
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Over the weekend, both Pete Buttigieg and Tom Steyer have announced they’re dropping out of the Democratic presidential race. Voters are now left with fewer options for Super Tuesday.
A political expert said Mayor Pete could not garner enough support among a broad group of voters and there was no clear path forward for him.
Less than 48 hours away until Super Tuesday, it’s the final sprint to get out the vote.
Volunteers from the Elizabeth Warren campaign canvassed San Francisco’s Sunset District late into the evening Sunday, more energized after Buttigieg announced he’s dropping out.
“You would be surprised at just how many people wait to make that decision until the day of the election,” said Madeleine Baldwin from the Elizabeth Warren campaign volunteer. “Of Pete Buttigieg's supporters, Elizabeth Warren is the number one second choice so there's a potential to get a decent bump.”
With Buttigieg and Steyer now out of the race, the field of Democratic presidential candidates is quickly narrowing.
“We didn't see it coming but we knew we hadn't performed as well in South Carolina as we had liked,” said Joseph Rodriguez of the San Francisco for Pete Buttigieg campaign.
At South Beach Café in San Francisco, many of Mayor Pete’s supporters said they're undecided.
“We have 2,000 members here in San Francisco, we have raised millions of dollars for Pete and we want to think of what we want to do individually,” said Rodriguez.
Jesse Cortez said he already mailed in his ballot for Buttigieg but is now putting his support behind Elizabeth Warren.
“If she gets passed Super Tuesday, I can phone bank for her, I can text for her, I want to support her,” said Cortez.
“Who will benefit the most? Certainly Joe Biden,” said Sonoma State Poltiical Science Professor David McCuen. “There will also tremendous pressure on Amy Klobachar to get out. There will be some pressure on Elizabeth Warren.”
McCuen said the race will likely dwindle in the coming weeks as moderates try to consolidate and push back Bernie Sanders.
“This sets up really a battle moving forward not only on Super Tuesday but in the aftermath of Super Tuesday of Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden with others looks in,” said McCuen.
“I think it will have to a be a moderate leading the party in order to defeat that person,” said Ned Burgess of San Francisco.
Burgess plans to vote for Biden at the polls saying voting for Bernie would be too risky against Trump. Another voter, Will Everett of San Francisco, said he voted early for Amy Klobachar.
“She’s always been kind of my favorite candidate,” said Everett. “I’m much more moderate. I don't like the progressive wing. As for the Democratic party, I’m definitely an anybody but Bernie guy.”
McCuen said for those who already voted for Mayor Pete or Tom Steyer and want to change their vote, technically only eight states allow voters to swap out ballots. California does not. However, voters can always contact their County Registrar of Voters.