Warriors help animals displaced by Hurricane Irma

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The Golden State Warriors are helping animals affected by Hurricane Irma.

The NBA champs teamed up with the Miami Heat to help find homes for cats and dogs moved from Floriday shelters. The shelters are making room for pets stranded in the hurricane in hopes that their owners will find them.

More than 100 animals were flown complimentary of FedEx from Miami to Oakland International Airport on Friday.

They were greeted by current Warriors players Zaza Pachulia, rookie Jordan Bell, and former Warriors center Adonal Foyle.

Bell says he loves animals and had to help when he heard about the need- he even said he is looking to adopt one of the dogs!

Most of the animals are at the Marin Humane Society where they will be available for adoption. The Humane Society is waving adoption fees for a week.