Wragg Fire 70 percent contained

NAPA COUNTY, Calif. (KTVU & BCN) - The Wragg Fire in Napa and Solano counties is 70 percent contained as of Monday morning and Cal Fire's incident management team is expected to turn over control of the fire to local jurisdictions on Thursday, a Cal Fire spokesman said.
The 30 percent of the fire that is not contained is in a very remote area, Cal Fire spokesman Robbie Richard said.
There were 1,406 personnel on the scene as of 7 a.m. today, Cal Fire officials said.
The fire that began around 2:25 p.m. last Wednesday off state
Highway 128 near Greaves Road at Lake Berryessa has burned 6,591 acres. The cause is under investigation.
Two outbuildings and two vehicles were destroyed and three outbuildings and one residence were damaged. A water supply wellhead and a walnut orchard were damaged, Cal Fire officials said.
All roads in the area are open and evacuation orders have been lifted. The Lake Solano County Park campground is closed for fire equipment access.