18-year-old arrested in hit and run that injured SFPD officer

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A San Francisco police sergeant is recovering after being struck by a car in a Tenderloin crosswalk on Tuesday. 

The driver,18-year-old Marisa Androvich, left the scene, police said, but was apprehended less than a half hour later.  Androvich was booked into jail on a felony hit-and-run charge. 

"As far as I know there's no indication this was targeted in any way," Sgt. Eric Mahoney said. at 26th Avenue and California Street, where the search for the hit-and-run vehicle ended. 

The teen was arrested in the Richmond district at 26th Avenue and California Street about four miles from the crosswalk at Larkin and Eddy streets, where the veteran sergeant was hit. 

He was on duty, and in plainclothes, when Androvich allegedly struck him while making a left turn. 

There were plenty of witnesses on hand to describe the vehicle - a blue Mercedes SUV.

"We are speaking with witnesses and trying to gather information and evidence," said Officer Rob Rueca at police headquarters.

The injured sergeant works out of Southern Station, located in the same 3rd Street building as headquarters. 

After the collision, only about 20 minutes elapsed before a patrol officer spotted the vehicle in the Richmond district. 

The Mercedes was distinctive because it had no license plates either front or rear. Androvich did not exhibit any erratic driving behavior during the brief time officers tailed her.

 "From the time they got behind her to the time she stopped, she was obeying all the traffic laws, and driving normally from what I understand," said Sgt. Mahoney.

Androvich did not show signs of impairment, and seemed unaware that she had hit someone. 

"She was asking why she was in custody, so whether she knows or not, I'm not sure," said Mahoney. 

The sergeant who was injured has almost 19 years with the department,  

"Actually he was a classmate of mine, and you get a pit in your stomach," said Sgt. Mahoney, "anytime you hear of any police officer injured, much less someone you know, it's a sinking feeling, hard to swallow." 

San Francisco has one of the highest rates of vehicle-pedestrian accidents in the United States.